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Do the Best for Your Horse

Having a horse in your life is an amazing gift. They have incredible beauty, grace, intelligence, patience and a willingness to partner with us like no other animal. They are incredible teachers, reminding us there is always something more to learn and to stay humble. Horses bring so much joy into our lives. Whether it be at a walk or a gallop, he thrill of riding is like no other.

But having a horse is also a huge responsibility. There is a lot involved to ensuring they are healthy and safe. We have provided some information and resources to help.

We owe so much to our horses for all that they give us. We can show our appreciation by taking the best care of them that we can.

veterinary care

  • Annual Health Exam

  • Annual Dental Care

  • Annual Vaccines

  • Emergency Care

  • Pay Your Vet Bills

farrier care

  • Routine Hoof Picking

  • Scheduled Hoof Trimming

  • Scheduled Hoof Shoeing

  • Therapeutic Hoof Care

  • Pay Your Farrier Bills

working with
a coach or trainer

  • Commit to Training Your Horse

  • Find a Coach or Trainer You Trust

  • Develop Your Horsemanship Skills

  • Bond with Your Horse

responsible horse ownership

  • Providing Clean Water

  • Nutritious Feed

  • Herd Mates

  • Safe Environment

  • Lots of Love

Horse Aid Canada is a federally registered Canadian charity
Registration No. 762762029RR0001

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